Love’s Pure Light



I noticed darkness more this year. The world seemed dimmer and more unfriendly. This Christmas, the most glaring effects of that darkness are the gloom hovering over the world economic situation and the lack of Christmas lights.

A couple weeks ago I noticed the dearth of Christmas lights compared with last year. People just didn’t put them up. Electrical bills are too high, I guess. Or folks suffered from the fatigue that comes when times are bad, so the lights became just another thing to do that took too much effort.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

The babe in the manger outshone the star that signaled His birth. He wasn’t just a source of light, He WAS Light.

And when that tiny child became a man, He said something radical to all who love Him and honor Him as Lord:

“You are the light of the world.”

Light gives birth to lights, and those lights will send the darkness fleeing.

If the Lord would have us honor Him as did all those who came to His cradle in those first days of His birth, He would say that He has lit the flame in us with His own lifelight, now we are to be the light in the darkness.

At this blessed Christmastime, People of God, show this dark world the light.

And Maranatha.

3 thoughts on “Love’s Pure Light

  1. Last night our extended family gathered at our house where my mother-in-law lives for our traditional Christmas Eve celebration. Eva is 89 but still very active and after everyone had gathered she read the Christmas story from Luke. She then asked if I had anything to say to the crowd of about 35 or 40 people gathered in our basement. I said a few words and then asked everyone to rise for the prayer.
    It was then that I noticed that several of the older grand children seemed to resist that request to “stand before the Lord.” It was if I had asked them to do something that they were not comfortable with. It was not just what I saw but what I felt in my spirit that gave me pause.
    After everyone had left and the mess was cleaned up, my wife and I retired upstairs to our den to relax before bed. In our conversation we both wondered at what had happened. The celebration was usually festive and bright but that night something seemed to have dimmed everyone’s enthusiasm.
    Reading your post reminded me of who was present and how they had reacted to all the activities of the evening. And it renewed my obligation to pray for each of my family members. Many, I’m afraid, do not acknowledge Jesus as savior and lord. That realization was definitely sobering.
    Dan, I pray that you and yours have a wonderful Christmas day.

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