Is Your Church Talking About Economic Issues?


Is your church talking about the current world economic situation? Please share your experience!


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These poll questions will close at midnight on August 3, 2008.

Thank you for your participation.

4 thoughts on “Is Your Church Talking About Economic Issues?

  1. Apologies to anyone who tried to vote earlier but the polls were not available. Sometimes WordPress’s CRON function is a bit weird and doesn’t know what time it really is. I set the polls to open yesterday instead of this morning and now it works!

    Where are the Luddites when you need them?

  2. merry

    I live in a state where the economy has been pretty bad for a long, long time, so we’re pretty used to making sacrifices and managing our money carefully. I voted “we’ve made minor changes” on the first question because of that. If I was in a different situation and was just now seeing the economy going downward, it would be major changes for sure. Just making that clear. There are a ton of people in a ton of different situations.

    Also, the economic situation is definately talked about at my church, it just has yet to be a sermon, is all. My church doesn’t have a specific ministry, but is always willing to make sacrifices to help those who are struggling.

  3. Dire Dan: “Where are the Luddites when you need them?”

    Here I am, at your service.

    I have heard that in the IT security biz it’s commonly said that WordPress is one of the worst with regards to security. WordPress gets “pwned” a lot. At least that’s what I’ve heard.

    • Oengus,

      I don’t think all of that is WordPress’s fault. I know that many people have their WordPress directory’s CHMOD settings wrong. If there’s any major problem it’s that you can’t get any two WordPress gurus to agree on the proper CHMOD settings!

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