Jack Hayford is probably my favorite living preacher/teacher. I never fail to learn something from him.
Here he shares about being a person of winsomeness who attracts others and serves as a liaison to Jesus. In these angry, judgmental times we live in, this could not be a more sure word, and one that more of us need to hear and heed.
JackHayford from Jubilee Church on Vimeo.
(HT: Adrian Warnock)
It’s nice to know you are a fellow Jack Hayford fan. He is one of the small handful of preachers that can always be relied upon to be profound.
I would actually pass up my home on car trips if I was in the middle of listening to Hayford’s old radio show, driving around until it was over. I wouldn’t do that with any other radio preacher.
I agree. Hayford is profound. And he is so because he’s always coming at topics from an unexpected direction. I don’t agree with him in everything (tithing, for instance), but I think where we disagree is more the Azusa offspring divide. Hayford is Foursquare, and as such his denominational views are firmly in the Pentecostal camp. Though I go to a Pentecostal church, I don’t like a lot of the baggage that Pentecostalism drags along behind itself, especially when that baggage falls into charismania, oneness tendencies, and the worst excesses of the prosperity gospel. All denominations have baggage, though. And that said, Hayford has avoided most of the pitfalls.
The day we lose Jack Hayford will be a big blow to Pentecostalism, as he is a rational voice—and a wise one.
Dan, you mentioned you don’t have the same views as Hayford when it comes to tithing. Well it’s hard to get someone to see something, when their income depends on them not seeing it.
We give to our churches today because we see the value in it, not because of some Jewish custom that Gentile pastors try to burden people with.
To me when a pastor pulls out the tithing card it shows me what he’s truly trusting in. I have never heard my pastor say tithing once, it’s always an offering.
You come from a different tradition. Pentecostalism and the “seed” concept go hand in hand, which extends to the tithe. I don’t believe in a NT tithe, but I don’t come from a Pentecostal background, either.
When Jesus spoke of “seed” it was in reference to the gospel, when certain pastors speak of “seed” it concerning money, man what a disconnect. Didn’t Jesus speak of not being able to serve two masters? The thought of reaping what you sow is always implied by the leadership of the church. So we are to sow money, so we can get more money, even though they don’t come right and say such a thing everyone knows that’s the agenda.
Well said, Paul!
While some pastors who posit a “seed” idea turn it into a money-return proposition mainly, many more don’t. At least in certain parts of Christianity the idea is more one of God multiplying whatever is given to Him in faith. In that way, it’s not an issue of the seed as the Gospel versus the seed as money. One could say that Hannah’s offering back of Samuel to God resulted in all of the nation being blessed rather than just herself. That’s as much a part of the idea of the “seed” as is the Gospel’s portrayal in the parable of the sower or the Kingdom in the parable of the mustard seed.
That said, I can also recount many times when a small amount of money given in faith resulted in something worth more money coming back. I know a man who was unemployed who gave his last $400 in his bank account to support the work of missionaries who were in desperate straits and were facing being recalled from the field due to lack of support. Not only did that man get an unexpected job offer the very next day, but the missionaries were able to leverage that money so as to return to the field and enjoy great success.
I can also say that such a thing may happen sometimes and may not others. But the general reality is true: God rewards those who give. How He rewards and with what, well, that’s His decision. If we leave it at that, then I suspect we would all be in better shape.
I hear ya Dan. My original point was, we should give because we see the value of it, and not to “get” something in return. I give to a few ministries, but I don’t see it as planting “seed” as to reap a harvest from. To me that mindset is more worldly that spiritual, buy your wife a piece of jewelry so you might “get” something in return. I’m sure the fellow who gave away his last few dollars did so with no expectations of reaping a harvest. I give because I’m moved in my heart too, perhaps that fellow was also. To many people give, and then believe God owes them now, that’s a dangerous place to be in my opinion.
Agreed. The left hand not knowing what the right is doing is truly the best response.
That said, God sees, and even if we don’t see the fruit this side of heaven, we will when we get there. I think that’s something we should all hold onto. Storing up treasure in heaven is what truly matters and what truly lasts.
I mean, a lot of people are getting all their reward down here. How sad it will be for them some day!
” it’s hard to get someone to see something, when their income depends on them not seeing it.”
That sure hits the nail square on the head
I love pondering the imagery in the bible, love the understanding that goes with it, Jesus as the husband the church as the spotless bride, etc etc. Then you go to a service and at some point the seductive music starts and someone starts talking about ” sowing your seed” and the hat/plate gets passed……apply a little carnal imagery to that…..hasn’t She ( the church ) just presented herself as a whore!….How can it be anymore blatant
I used to go to The Church on the Way (Hayford’s church). He’s a super nice man.
I never really took to the theology there, though.
It was ‘how to’ Christianity. One never quite arrived. There was always something more to be attained, more spirituality, more growth. I’m getting tired again, just talking about it.
I thank God that I found a church that proclaims God’s Law fully, in order to kill me off to my religious pretentions, and the announces the gospel, free of charge, to sinners in need of a Savior.
I still think Jack Hayford is a great guy, though. He even bought a home up in the mountains (North of L.A.) where I lived many years and I used to see him up there with his family.