My Article at “Serve! with Steve Sjogren”


Serve! with Steve SjogrenI’ve known Steve Sjogren (author of Conspiracy of Kindness and The Day I Died) since 1989. He’s the visionary behind the resurgence in servant evangelism, reaching people for Christ by serving them first in Jesus’ name. Steve was my pastor for many years and is one of the bright spots in modern evangelicalism.

Steve recently asked me to contribute to his e-zine Serve! with Steve Sjogren. The topic is evangelizing the poor. As someone who served in food pantries and as a remodeler of burned-out brownstones in Cincinnati, I’ve been a part of servant evangelism to the poor, so I share my thoughts and experiences.

My article at Serve! with Steve Sjogren is below. Your thoughts are appreciated.

Cultivating a Heart for Evangelizing the Poor

If you’re looking for innovative ways to reach others for Jesus, consider subscribing to Steve’s site. He’s got great ideas and a wise stable of writers that can help you better fulfill the Great Commission.


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