A Tough Month


The faster you go, the bigger the messApologies to readers looking for new posts! Harried best describes my experience of life this month, as a huge, regular editing project has now been pushed from January into December—and I also lost a week to complete it. Couple that with a massive, new, musical Christmas production at my church (where I am the drummer), the annual Christmas season runaround, some annoying health issues, and trying to run a business while maintaining a household (did I mention the roof repair, vehicle maintenance, doctor’s appointments, and such?)—well, old Dan ain’t gettin’ younger. Cerulean Sanctum suffered as a result.

I believe normality will return in January—at least I hope it will! Look for new posts in the next week or so.

About the Light Presence…


Thanks to readers for hanging in there despite my recent lack of presence here in comment replies and timely posts. Been carrying a heavy load that does not seem to be easing. Sometimes life is just hard. Prayers appreciated.

I hope to wrap up the youth ministry series early next week. Perhaps mid-September will see a swell in activity here. Don’t know how some of those “I blog every day” bloggers do it.
