Killed for Just One Reason


SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – A young couple shot in their heads as they slept on a remote California beach may have been killed because of their evangelical Christian religious beliefs, police said on Saturday.

On the heels of my post We Are Not Ready comes the story of two camp counselors—just weeks away from being married—slain by a servant of Satan on a tranquil beach out west.

While the motive for the slayings is not carved in stone, we who call on the name of Jesus must be prepared to acknowledge that more of this will be coming, and sooner than we care to admit. We must start preparing to meet this challenge, both spiritually and emotionally, because we are ignoring the signs of the age the way we are living now.

Lord Jesus, I pray that you will rouse Your sleeping Bride and make her ready for the days to come. Help her to stand, holy and set apart for Your purpose. Give her the strength to press on under persecution, and unite all who comprise her with one heart, one mind, and one common goal, always for Your glory alone. Amen.

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