Books, Writers Groups, and Shameless Promotion


Content on Cerulean Sanctum is going to be a little light in upcoming weeks. With the rough of my speculative fiction novel Fade into Blue complete, I’m pushing hard on editing to FINALLY get it wrapped up by the end of April. That puts me almost three months behind my original schedule. Sickness and general mayhem took their toll on my finishing the rough draft, but things have been speedy lately. I rewrote the first forty pages and as one of the guys in my writers group said, the results were “spectacular.”

I thought I’d take a little of the blog space here to plug the efforts of my writing cohorts. They’re all published authors, so I’m kind of the lowly member of the esteemed group. All three have recent books out, so I’ll devote a little space to each (alphabetically):

Lessons from the CarpenterH. Michael Brewer’s latest is Lessons from the Carpenter: An Apprentice Learns from Jesus, a devotional examination of Jesus’ ministry through the lens of his earthly work as a carpenter. The reviews on this one are glowing, and it’s a featured title at Family Christian Stores and The Crossings Book Club. Mike seems to be one of those pastors that can pull meaning out of any situation and that wisdom shows up in his books. He’s also a comic book expert and fan of speculative fiction, so you can bet I’ve taken his advice on my own writing. You can catch Mike (and a few other of his titles) at his site.

The Embrace of the FatherWayne Holmes has an even newer release that we finally got our hands on yesterday, The Embrace of the Father: True Stories of Inspiration and Encouragement. Look for it in April 2006. Wayne has several excellent books available, all of them ideal as gift books for mothers, fathers, and teachers. And if you love the prayers of children, also consider another recent title of his, Whispering in God’s Ear: True Stories Inspiring Childlike Faith. Wayne’s got a stupendous eye for grammar and punctuation mistakes; when his corrective pen is done with my manuscript submissions, there’s so much red on the page it’s like a mafia hit! And he’s almost always right, too. Wayne’s author site is here.

To Africa with LoveJoe Lacy gives us a stirring look at the life of African missionary/doctor James Foulkes in To Africa with Love. If you like tales of how Christ helps believers overcome all obstacles, even in the wildest places on earth, this is the book to grab. Joe’s also got an incredible basketball novel he’s pitching now, and I’ll vouch for it. Some of the most amazing metaphorical language I’ve ever read in a novel. My own work feels meager compared to Joe’s mastery of a phrase. Agents and publishers, are you listening?

Okay, okay, my name may not be on the cover, but several of my devotionals are featured in A Cup of Comfort Devotional. Lucky me got the prime spot for the last entry of the year in that work. A Cup of Comfort DevotionalIf you like brief meditations on the Christian life, this would be a fine devotional to check out.


Joe, Wayne, and Mike have been superb eyes and ears for me over the last few years. I thought now would be a good time to mention their writings since I’ve spent so much time blabbing about my novel.

Thanks guys!

Tags: Writing, Books, Novels, H. Michael Brewer, Joe Lacy, Wayne Holmes, Dan Edelen

One thought on “Books, Writers Groups, and Shameless Promotion

  1. That’s so cool about your book. I contributed a short devo to that Cup of Comfort devotional book also. Praying God’s best for you in the area of writing. Your blog is certainly as huge hit, and your readers will look forward to your book release.

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