The 3-2-1 Gospel Presentation


I don’t know what it is about the Aussies, but Australian Christians have this unique ability to depict the Gospel simply, especially in graphically stripped-down animation on the Internet.

I like the following Gospel presentation video. The mnemonic is easy to remember and follow. Perhaps it can help you better share the Gospel story you and I are part of.

3 thoughts on “The 3-2-1 Gospel Presentation

  1. Diane R

    Frankly, I found this to be too long and too complicated for most non-Christians today who have an attention span of a flea. I think this, however, could be used in a new class for Christians to help them understand the foundation of their faith.

  2. Thanks for sharing the video.

    There’s much that needs unpacking (which is what the website and forthcoming book will try to do) but it’s a start.

    We’re also going to do a fast-paced teaser version (as well as many longer teaching videos).

    Thanks for the feedback,
    Glory to Jesus!

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