Update at Cerulean Sanctum – Aug. 2014


Readers have written to ask when we might be seeing new Cerulean Sanctum posts and to check if I’m doing OK.


One of the commonplace elements you will find in charismatic and Pentecostal churches is a tendency to “give a word.” Now, this is meant to refer to the charismatic gifts of word of knowledge and word of wisdom, but some people take that too literally. In other words, those word gifts become a literal word, as in singular. It’s not unusual to hear someone say, “God has this word for you: plenty.” Or “I keep hearing Sacramento. Does that word mean anything to you?”Han Solo, frozen in carbonite

Yeah, sometimes that gets a little weird.

Anyway, if there were one word that encapsulates the last few months for me, it would be frenzy.

That’s not a word I enjoy. At all. But there you go.

Life has been a nonstop frenzy. Because I tend to be a slow, considered thinker, frenzy is about as outside of my comfort zone as it gets. And the more stuff gets added to that frenzy…

I’ve been wanting to write about the state of our world, where frenzy is embraced as normal and even welcome, but I’ve been cowed by the depth of the topic and potential unintended consequences. Since unintended consequences only add to the frenzy, well…

The old aphorism says that the devil is in the details, and I think that saying says more than we understand on surface glance. Details can magnify frenzy. A frenzied life may even be the result of the devil, since nothing drowns out the voice of God like the siren of frenzy. Remember how God spoke to Elijah in a whisper? I think most Americans, Christians or not, cannot hear God for all the frenzy, no matter how many minutes we carve out of our day to devote to (or to search for) Him. I think we lie to ourselves when we look at the story of Mary and Martha and proclaim in a haughty tone that we are nothing like that clueless Martha. Hah! The finest Mary of today  would make Martha of the Bible look like Han Solo frozen in carbonite. Let’s not deceive ourselves about the level of modern frenzy and how deeply it is entrenched in each of us.

I want to get back to Cerulean Sanctum, but I also need for life to calm down substantially. For that concern, I covet your prayers.

Thank you for being a reader. There’s more than 10 years of material here on Cerulean Sanctum, and I believe the majority of it is just as good for today as it may have been 10 years ago. I’ll get back to more regular blogging when I can get a few more things wrangled and under control.


6 thoughts on “Update at Cerulean Sanctum – Aug. 2014

  1. Heartspeak

    Frenzy. I tend to begin to think of ‘froth’, ‘cavitation’, loss of efficiency, even desperation. I pray that in your season of high activity, you will experience peace and Kingdom productivity.

  2. Diane R

    So good to hear from you Dan. I hope you will be able to write at least once a week as i’m sure we all have missed your blog posts.

  3. Jeff

    Thanks for the update Dan. You’ve been missed!

    I’m very thankful for the archives; I often go back and read posts on certain topics as they come up in my life.

  4. Len Hummel

    Keep blogging, brother, but only as you have real inspiration. All the blogs I have read so far are solid, thoughtful & reflective.
    Keep reading & listening to men like Tozer, Ravenhill, & Art Katz.

    Here, btw, is something I just uploaded recently as a prophetic word & warning as to what is right on the horizon of this world that is now wallowing in sin and deception. …. *For Whom the Bell Tolls. It tolls a warning to this world and those who are OF this world*…https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-WaXMuO9mk&list=UUspegsk9nJwTdXGn0lwElxA … this message is about 1 minute, 20 seconds in length. *please share this vital message with everyone. IT IS TIME.* It is time to be very clear.

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