Lotsa Changes Coming!


My head is spinning!

Folks, things are going to be rather shaky here in the days to come. I apologize in advance for the lack of substantive Christian content, but for the last two weeks I’ve been inundated with work. I’ve spent so much time in front of the computer I think I’m ruining my eyes. But it’s all good and some of the things I’ve been working on will result in a much better reader experience at Cerulean Sanctum. Lotsa changes comin’!

Goings On:

1. Found a new host: Dotable.com. They’re an Australian company, but their servers are in LA in one of the most important telecom buildings on the West Coast. They’ll be hosting several sites for me, including my business site, author site, and Cerulean Sanctum. Small company, but outstanding support and offerings. Was a recent “Best Host” award winner at Web Hosting Magazine. Their friendly owner sealed the deal. Finding a host that had all the capability and features I wanted was another one of those Traveling Salesmen Route Optimization problems, with too many variables and no way to optimize. I spent about sixteen hours looking for a new host in the last few weeks! I’m ecstatic that I was finally able to locate such a great host.

2. Cerulean Sanctum will be migrated to https://ceruleansanctum.com and the current URL will be redirected. Please note this and switch over to the new URL. It’s live already and works.

3. Cerulean Sanctum will transform from Blogger to WordPress! A huge change and probably an enormous headache, but I need more control over the blog and how it works. I made mistakes when I first set it up and it’s almost impossible to search the blog as a result; Blogger isn’t forgiving on this. Anyone who would be willing to answer some transition questions on moving from Blogger to WordPress and redirecting URLs, I’d love to talk with you. WordPress plug-in advice is highly desired, too.

4. Cerulean Sanctum’s look will be changing for the better. I’ve got zero CSS skills, but I’ll be taking a shot at a new design. If you’re a WordPress or CSS guru, I’d love to talk with you. Graphic artists are also welcome to help!

I’ll make another announcement when I’m ready to get everything changed over for good.

Stay tuned!

Tags: Cerulean Sanctum, WordPress, Dotable, Hosts

5 thoughts on “Lotsa Changes Coming!

  1. Helen

    Great move, using WordPress! I have never regretted it. I just wish someone would write a commerical book on using it like Elizabeth Castro did on Blogger.

    Plug-ins I like: WordPress Database Backup by Scott Merrill, Filosofo Comments Preview by Austin Matzko, and Akismet by Matt Mullenweb-zaps spam like a charm.

  2. Warren

    One recommendation I’d throgw out for you is to start with one of the already-built WordPress themes, and then customize it to your needs.

    I’ve helped some friends of mine set up wordpress blogs, and they’ve all taken that appraoch – some have even kept the pre-built look because they either didn’t want to change it, or they didn’t feel the need.

  3. Good choice. Just make sure that your web host provider places you on a server with Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP capabilities. Plugins I use are:

    Angsuman’s Feed Copyrighter

    Bad Behavior

    CJD Spam Nuke

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