The Reason the Church Exists


Helping hands

For the LORD your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great, the mighty, and the awesome God, who is not partial and takes no bribe. He executes justice for the fatherless and the widow, and loves the sojourner, giving him food and clothing.
—Deuteronomy 10:17-18 ESV

Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.
—James 1:27 ESV

Recently, as I’ve sat at home and healed up from the numerous illnesses that have hit our family since Easter, I’ve had plenty of time to think about some of the comments I’ve seen left on various Christian blogs. One comment that repeatedly raises its ugly head goes something like this:

The reason this happened to you is that you didn’t trust God to provide for your needs.

On another blog, I left a comment that received this exact response. It wasn’t directed at me in particular, but was aimed at all those people who found themselves in dire straits and after much prayer, sought their own solutions, often through means that “aren’t Christian”—at least by the measure of the person leaving the comment.

I used to be one of those “faith bombers” who love to quote Scripture for the express purpose of making people feel bad about their solutions to tough problems. In many cases, a faith bomber proves his or her point by relaying a miraculous story of a specific answer to prayer that came about through direct intervention of God. The victims of the bombing are left to drown in the fact that the reason they did not receive a miracle was because they did not exhibit the same heaven-opening faith that the faith bomber did.

So there.

This post is an answer to faith bombers everywhere. It’s a wake-up call and a re-examination of how God works. It’s a message for every person who was ever tempted to bring a holier-than-thou attitude into the painful circumstances of someone in desperate need.

There have always been widows and orphans. The Bible repeatedly uses widows and orphans as a litmus test of need. To God, there is no one more needy than the woman who has lost her husband or the child who has lost one or both parents. God’s heart is always for them. Always.

Yet, we also know of orphans who die forgotten and neglected. We read stories of widows who live alone, who forget to pay the electric bill, then freeze to death in the emptiness of their little ranch house when the electric company turns off their power for non-payment. Just last year I read such a story of a woman who had been a Sunday School teacher for more than fifty years, described as a wonderful Christian woman who loved many, yet her fate was hypothermia and a lonely death in the darkness of her own home.

How can this be reconciled with a loving God whose heart is for the widow and the orphan?

Philosophers will argue for or against the existence of God. Some will scream about divine watchmakers who cast their creations onto beaches to be found and marveled at by the curious. For others, it is a question of evil and why it exists.

But what of this?

But God has so composed the body, giving greater honor to the part that lacked it, that there may be no division in the body, but that the members may have the same care for one another. If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together.
—1 Corinthians 12:24b-26 ESV

The suffering of fellow members of the Body of Christ is my suffering. It is your suffering. It is not just the suffering of those who were unfortunate enough to be receive it.

And here is where the great truth exists: God made the Church to be His means of delivering grace. As the Body of Christ we are to be the Lord to all people around us, no matter how deplorable their condition.

Can God feed the widow and orphan supernaturally by reinstituting manna that falls from heaven right into their hands? No doubt He could, but with His founding of the Church, we are the ones to feed them. It is our duty as the hands of God to deliver them food. This is the wisdom of God. This is religion that is pure and undefiled: that we look after widows and orphans and be the hands of God working to meet their need in the midst of their desolation.

My wife and I support a ministry called Voice of the Children. It started when one man walked into the sewers of Russia and brought the light of Christ to the scores of abandoned children that lived in the dank, black, disease-ridden bowels of his country. He understood that unless he, as a child of God, walked into that filth, children no one wanted would live and die there without hope. God enlightened his eyes to see that his hands were His hands.

To the so-called “Christian” who wounds the already wounded with the shrill words, “It’s because of your lack of faith…,” I say, “Heed your own words because it is you, and you alone, who have failed your brother.” All day long the Lord cries out for His people to be the instruments of grace to others that He has called them to be. He beseeches us to be that miracle in the life of someone who has lost hope and has no solutions. How long before those of us who ignore this calling fall prey to the vicissitudes of life and suffer this fate:

Whoever closes his ear to the cry of the poor will himself call out and not be answered.
—Proverbs 21:13 ESV

Shame on us! Shame on every person who thinks they are exempt from being the solution, instead tossing that miracle back to God, saying with the words of Cain, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” And the reply of God, the one so few are willing to hear is, “Yes. Yes, you are.”

12 thoughts on “The Reason the Church Exists

  1. Brother Dan,
    You won’t get many comments to this kind of post. But I know that popularity is not what your after. This is a honest look at being the vessels of the Lord. If we walk in love, and listen after the heart of God, then we will increase in effectiveness. The “faith bomber”, and those who feed the poor have the same Lord. Training in righteousness is a continuing work. I say, if you can’t get the miracle now, then do what you can in practical terms, while holding unto your faith.
    Be Blessed,

  2. Pete,

    This post was largely written on my heart after visiting WORLD Magazine’s blog. Just the other day they posted an article saying that the job outlook was looking up because almost 70,000 more jobs last month were created than were anticipated.

    Into the middle of the comments was a post by someone (I don’t know the sex or name) who said that he/she had been out of work in his/her field for coming up on four years now and that it was time to give up.

    But did anyone in the midst of all the commentary ever post a comment to that person asking how to be a help for him/her to find work? No, not one until I did.

    I’m tired of talk, frankly. What I would like to see is us better bear each other’s burdens. Too many Christians are crashing and burning because we so often in the Church act like “God helps those who help themselves.” But I never read that verse anywhere in the Bible. And that’s for a reason.

    WE NEED EACH OTHER. I need you and you need me. If times get tougher—and they will—we will need the bond even more. We can’t be stepping on each other’s throats or else there will be no more Church in this country. Kicking other brothers in Christ when they are down is evil, pure and simple. I can’t comment on your struggles unless I am willing to draw alongside you and bear your burden.

    We’ve got to show the world something more than what they see every day.

  3. This is a post after my heart Dan. Thankyou – you have captured important truth here. I’ve been “faith-bombed” at times in the past, but God is deeper than that. It is encouraging to read a post that is other-focused. God bless you.

  4. Amen and Amen!!!!!

    I find it funny that the ‘faith bombers’ love to equate their human sufferings to the book of Job but when it’s time to comfort their suffering friends, they become like Job’s friends.

  5. John D

    I agree with this 100%, we’re brothers with these ideas.

    Helping each other directly is necessary for a moral society. Also freeing people from bondage is necessary for a moral society. I’m not talking about sexual bondage or alcohol bondage or anything like that. But anything that limits a person to live his life peacefully, anything that robs a person of his freedom is immoral and an act against him. Slavery in this country in the 1700 and 1800s is a great example.

    I think you can expand the “help for him/her to find work” by making sure there’s no institution or person in the way of his doing that (prohibit crimes against men). He can live and control his own life peacefully, if he’s not limited.

    And I stress what you said:

    “The suffering of fellow members of the Body of Christ is my suffering. It is your suffering. It is not just the suffering of those who were unfortunate enough to be receive it.”

    If we want a moral society – we’ll remember that we together make our whole society – everything we do helps another person get his food or get his shelter – it’s all connected. There’s no need to have people work 60+ hour weeks their whole lives and get the bare minimum out of it. Or for countries to be bombed to death so someone can get a resource out of it.

    I think another way to look at Jesus’s redemption message was to say he was preaching for a real heaven on earth – a peaceful moral just society. I think he had the same message as Martin Luther King.

  6. My mom and I have been bomed on a couple occasions. It hurts.

    Thank you for your post brother. You and your family (and your trees :)) are in my prayers.

  7. God doesn’t always take away our ‘thorn.’ sometimes He leaves it so we will rely on His grace. I have seen this in my own life. The major points of your post are thoughtful and well-written. I admire your boldness and selflessness in writing this.

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