Monday-Morning Miscellany


Got about three hours sleep Saturday/Sunday night, so I hit the hay early last night and didn’t post as usual.

* I’ll be starting a loosely-connected series of posts on love in the days ahead. Stay tuned.

* Brad Hightower gets it. 21st Century Revolution is one of the most challenging blogs out there. Check out this post: “The Church or the Kingdom.”

* Mark Lauterbach over at GospelDrivenLife is rapidly becoming my favorite blogger. He dissects the implications for ministering to postmoderns in “The Litmus Test.”

* Confused by all this talk about the Emerging Church? In “Five Streams of the Emerging Church” Scot McKnight will clue you into the diversity of that movement and why blanket definitions (and condemnations) don’t work. On the same topic, a new blog to me, finitum non capax infinit, attempts a different taxonomy in the post “Leonard on Emerging Missional Trajectories.”

* Loads of links on house churches can be found in this post from ReligionLink: “House Churches Gain Ground.”

* Matthew 7:2—”For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you.” Looks like the so-called discernment ministries are weighing each other in the scale and finding a lot of want. I won’t link to the debacle, but let’s just say it isn’t pretty. I find it ironic that the call for grace in this comes from the same folks who weren’t willing to give much grace to the ministries they castigated on their site. There’s a right way and a wrong way to address error in the Body of Christ, and you could see the trainwreck coming ten miles away in how these ministries dealt with error. If we judge people guilty by association, everyone winds up guilty in the end. For more, see my post “Who Watches the Watchers?

Advice for today: Lead with love in everything you do, while acknowledging your own penchant for missing the mark.

7 thoughts on “Monday-Morning Miscellany

  1. Pingback: Dying Church
  2. Kristie

    Interesting links. Hightower is in Artesia….that’s admirable. Have you ever been to Artesia? Urban sprawl defined.

    I especially liked Lauterbach’s blog….the name got my attention.

    • Kristie,

      {Shudder} Urban sprawl {Shudder}.

      Yeah, I love Lauterbach’s blog, too. He tackles topics most Godblogs don’t discuss, or he comes at familiar ideas in refreshing (and humble) ways.

  3. brad

    thanks for the link.

    As for Artesia and the surrounding area. I see this area as the melting pot of the world. Artesia has a big Indian and Pakistani community and bellflower and Paramount is amazingly diverse as well. it actually is a great area in terms of mission and getting to know all sorts of people.

  4. I mean to clarify that Artesia is not a pleasing place aesthetically speaking, but not in terms of people and mission. (didn’t mean to be a downer about the place) I actually live not too far from Artesia. It’s the diversity that keeps my husband and I here. What a great place it is for ministry. The whole world seems to be right here in Southern California.

  5. Sam

    Hi Dan

    I just radomly stumbled upon your blog it is encouraging and a blessing. I noticed you studied at Wheaton, my Pastor just recently graduated from there. What exactly is your profession?

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