May the Spirit of God that indwelt His Only Begotten Son dwell in and among you in transforming power this Christmas.
Blessings on you and yours this wondrous day.
For the Kingdom,
May the Spirit of God that indwelt His Only Begotten Son dwell in and among you in transforming power this Christmas.
Blessings on you and yours this wondrous day.
For the Kingdom,
Sometimes ya just got nothin'. My poor brain is clogged with a million things to do by January 1. That means a post filled with miscellaneous, uncoordinated thoughts.
Here we go…
Postmodern Sense: Kristie at Martha's Distraction gets a hat tip for noting a staggeringly good message by Tim Keller regarding evangelism in a postmodern world. If you haven't heard this one, you're not equipped to deal with the times. Though Keller thumbs his nose at us quasi-agrarians (Hey, Tim, Jonah didn't build a house in Nineveh, did he?), everything else is square on target. I plan on listening to this about ten times to soak it all in.
They Blinded Me with Science, Eh?: Researchers in Canada may have discovered a simple cure for diabetes.
Yes, Love DID Break Through: Keith Green fans will enjoy a 7-part documentary covering the prophetic musician's life (that I hope isn't lifted from a copyrighted source. You never know with YouTube.)
Happy Holidays!—NOT: Blog Rodent Rich Tatum gets a pink slip, then someone steals his laptop. Pray he gets it back or someone with an extra dose of holiday cheer buys him a new one.
Happy Holidays!—NOT, The Sequel: An addled Santa confuses his Nice list with his Naughty one and leaves nice guy Milton Stanley of Transforming Sermons a massive chunk of coal for Christmas. Let's all be praying the Lord turns it into a diamond.
Happy Holidays!—NOT…er, well Maybe: John Piper releases a new book dealing with Christians and depression, When the Darkness Will Not Lift.
And a Merry Cookiemas to You: Rebecca dishes up the dishiest desserts over at Rebecca Writes.
Regrets, I've Had a Few: I'd planned on doing a series on Christians and the Arts, but the series kept getting larger and more broad. I'd called for folks to respond to a survey I would e-mail them, but for now the series is on ice. The more I thought about it, the more I realized I wasn't up to the enormity of the task. Doing the 13-part business series I attempted summer 2005 was enough to dissuade me from crafting any more massive series, and this art series grew to leviathan-size the more I thought about it. Maybe one day, but now now. My deepest apologies to the folks who took the time to reply to my call for survey respondents.
ZZZZzzzz…:Posts will be sporadic over the next two weeks. Yes, I know I took a six-week break a few months ago, but it's a busy time of the year. And yes, I know Tim Challies blogs every single day. I spend restless nights trying to figure out how he does it in a way that doesn't involve cloning, but what can I say.
So while there may not be a plethora of posts in the next few days, I'll still drop in from time to time—with more than miscellany, I hope.
Dear Readers,
If all goes well, I'll be blogging two new series in the month ahead.
I need your help.
I'll be examining Christianity and the creative arts soon. For this series, I need to ask some private questions of authors, painters, sculptors, graphic designers, videographers, photographers—anyone who is a born-again Christian and makes at least some part of their living as an artist. If that is you or you know someone who fits that category, please write me a private e-mail (see the address in the sidebar) requesting to be a part of the survey I'll be conducting.
This week, I'll be posting a series on developing true community in our churches. I firmly believe that the majority of ills suffered by today's American churches are directly linked to the abysmal state of true community. We are too beholden to the American civil religion of self-reliance to the point that the mission of the Church in America has largely failed.
If you have ideas how to better the community we Christians are supposed to embody, please comment on this post or send an e-mail. I'll weave good suggestions into the series.
Thank you. I look forward to hearing from you.