The Only Difference


…my friends, the only difference between the sheep and the goats, according to the Scripture, is what they did and didn’t do.
—Keith Green from the song “The Sheep and the Goats” (riffing on Matthew 25: 31-46)

I believe one of the most obfuscated verses in the Bible is 2 Timothy 3:16-17:

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.

Notice my emphasis there. What is the whole point of knowing the Scriptures? It’s to be equipped for good works. Christ and the cityThose good works include such things as evangelizing the lost, training the young, feeding the hungry, fighting injustice, stewarding the Earth, and befriending the friendless.

Some might think that knowing the Scriptures just to do those things seems like a waste of good biblical knowledge. But it’s not about knowledge. It’s about loving others.

Who gave one of the most impassioned defenses of Christ in the Scriptures? Stephen, the man who waited tables, who fed the widows and orphans. Read Acts chapters 6-7. This was a servant, folks. And he knew the Scriptures.

In the days ahead, I’ll be writing more on this intersection of social responsibility and the Gospel.

Stay tuned.

Busting Myths About Christianity: Assessing Myths 1-3


Cellini's "Perseus with the Head of Medusa"Last week, I proposed ten common myths about Christianity after watching a marathon of the TV show Mythbusters on Christmas Day.  I floated the myths to you readers to see what you thought about them, and also asked how they might be scientifically labeled as busted, plausible, or confirmed.

The Ten Myths:

  1. Christians are more judgmental than non-Christians.
  2. Christians are stingier than non-Christians.
  3. Christians are more intolerant of other people than non-Christians.
  4. Christians are more short-sighted than non-Christians. 
  5. Christians don't know how to have fun. 
  6. Christians despise intellectuals more than non-Christians do.
  7. Christians prefer kitsch over important art.
  8. Christian subculture mimics the world rather than creating anything lasting.
  9. Companies run by Christians are as unethical as secular companies, and perhaps more so.
  10. Christianity causes more problems in the world than any other religion.

I wish I could say that I have the same kind of rigorous scientific data to correctly analyze those myths, but I can't. Like the mythbusters in the show, the best I can come up with is my own personal experience after encountering those myths in my own Christian walk of 30 years. I've personally tested some of those myths in my own life, or I've watched them play out in other people's. Whatever I come up with here will therefore not necessarily apply everywhere. In other words, Your Mileage May Vary.

Onto the first few myths… 

1. Christians are more judgmental than non-Christians

Though the old show All in the Family is rapidly fading from public consciousness, Archie Bunker lives on in the lives of plenty of people. If there's one thing that can be said about Americans, it's that we have an opinion on everything—and we aren't afraid to let others know it. 

Both non-Christians and Christians have their share of Archie Bunkers who compartmentalize everything in life and assign an opinion. The Blogosphere provides a window into the American judgmental mentality as one blog after another (including this one) waxes poetic about the meaning behind everything from commercials for diapers to politics.

Judgments fill the air.

On the whole, though, we Christians can't escape being judgmental. In the end, we're far more judgmental than non-Christians if for no other reason than the Bible commands us to be so:

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.
—1 John 4:1 ESV

Now our definition of what constitutes a "spirit" might vary, but if we believe that ideas have spiritual forces (both good and evil) behind them, then a true Christian worldview demands that we constantly judge. Non-Christians can follow the spirit of the age, but we're called to make judgments that keep us off the broad road that leads to destruction.

But what of this?

"Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you."
—Matthew 7:1-2 ESV

The problem for us comes when we fail to discern the difference between ideas and people. The Lord doesn't ask that we judge people. He alone judges people because only He can correctly judge someone's heart. We're to test spirits. We accept or reject spirits, not people.

Christianity in America can't seem to understand this distinction. This leads us to a bunker mentality at odds with our Lord, the One who ate with prostitutes and tax collectors

In that way, our judging comes back to haunt us. I suspect that one of the main reasons the Church in the United States is so critically unproductive concerns our inability to judge correctly, even though we're hyperactive about labeling and judging others. The outstretched arm we use to keep "evil" at bay also holds others back from knowing Christ.

So yes, Christians are supposed to be more judgmental than non-Christians. Our problem is the way in which we judge and our judging people rather than spirits. It is one thing to make godly decisions, but quite another to be a Christian Archie Bunker.

Assessment: Plausible


2. Christians are stingier than non-Christians

A new book entitled Who Really Cares by Arthur C. Brooks tackles the liberal/conservative battle over charitable giving. Brooks details the reality that while liberals talk about helping others, conservatives actually do it. At least they show they do it by the amount of money they give to the less privileged.

Who Really Cares postulates that those people who truly give tend to possess at least three of four distinctives:  a religious devotion, strong families, personal entrepreneurship, and a skepticism about the government's role in economic life. Those traits seem to come right out of Focus on the Family's promotional material, but they underscore the author's point.

What then to make of the perpetual grousing from wait staff at restaurants that Christians are the worst tippers? A few blogs jumped on the fact that wait staff bemoaned the cheapness of attendees at a recent Southern Baptist Convention conference. I had lunch with a pastor a few months ago and he asked our waiter what his least favorite time to work was. "Sunday" was the answer. And I'm sure you know why.

Our generosity—or lack of it—says much about the state of our souls. In too many Christian circles, I believe the prevailing verse might be

The poor you always have with you….
—John 12:8a ESV

That verse becomes an excuse not to help. We gave our ten percent at church, so don't ask anymore of us because, hey, the poor will always be there. In some circles we also hear that the poor deserve to be poor because they're out of God's will (or they're right in God's will and God is simply punishing them right now) or that they simply have not put strategic biblical principles in play to seed wealth and prosperity.

If anything, the call to genuine Christianity entails this:

And all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need.
—Acts 2:44-45 ESV

Does anyone see this actively practiced in most Christian churches in America? I certainly have seen little of that kind of practice on the whole, though I've encountered a smattering of families who truly believe to that level of commitment. On the whole, though, our American mindset of wealth accumulation trumps that Acts passage.

So while Arthur Brooks's study may be true, it's sadly not true enough. The bar the Lord set for giving outstrips our timid attempts, proving us far stingier than we're called to be.

In the end, whether Christians outgive non-Christians isn't really the issue, but whether Christians are giving as much as they should be. In that regard, we're falling down on the job.

Assessment: Wrong question.


3. Christians are more intolerant of other people than non-Christians.

This issue parallels #1 since judging people leads to shunning them.

It's hard not to think that we Christians today lead sanitized lives. Certain Evangelicals, in particular, are prone to erecting the kind of suburban Camelots where keeping that "one brief shining moment" from brevity demands one's attention 24/7/365. One day, that kind of idolatry may very well have a name. (I'm lobbying for "Osteenism" for its apt similarity to Onanism.)

Should we be surprised then that messy people bother us? We like our sinners converted and with a side of Prada. Nevermind some hooker who smells like the confluence of a twenty-year-old bottle of Charlie and the back booth of an adult bookstore. We'll erect a ministry to take care of her and man it with new college grads, their idealism still intact. But invite her into Camelot? Puhleeze!

Maybe it's not so much that we're intolerant, but that we've trumped the rest of Scripture with this one verse:

Do not be deceived: "Bad company ruins good morals."
—1 Corinthians 15:33 ESV

Yes, if we go alone into the world of filth, we may be compromised. But if we bring the lost into a community of faith, that's entirely different.

Our inability to accomplish this simple task reflects in the American Church's poor showing in evangelism. By all accounts, the church in this country is not growing. As pollster George Barna notes, 9/11 did nothing to swell our ranks. We're still asleep in the light.

What does this have to do with intolerance? Nothing is more intolerant than letting someone pass into a Christ-less eternity. Yet the knowledge that eternal damnation greets those whose name is nowhere to be found in the Book of Life no longer distracts us from preserving our little Camelots.

"Intolerant" doesn't mean that we have to actively crusade against some evil group or another to win that label. What it does mean, though, is that we simply don't care enough to see beyond some group's perceived evil to the real lost souls behind it.

So while non-Christians may not tolerate others, their intolerance comes to nothing. It simply doesn't matter.

On the other hand, our intolerance means people wind up in a lake of fire without end.

Last month, I quoted the following from Leonard Ravenhill's classic Why Revival Tarries, but it fits here again:

Charlie Peace was a criminal. Laws of God or man curbed him not. Finally the law caught up with him, and he was condemned to death. On the fatal morning in Armley Jail, Leeds, England, he was taken on the death-walk. Before him went the prison chaplain, routinely and sleepily reading some Bible verses. The criminal touched the preacher and asked what he was reading. "The Consolations of Religion," was the replay. Charlie Peace was shocked at the way he professionally read about hell. Could a man be so unmoved under the very shadow of the scaffold as to lead a fellow-human there and yet, dry-eyed, read of a pit that has no bottom into which this fellow must fall? Could this preacher believe the words that there is an eternal fire that never consumes its victims, and yet slide over the phrase with a tremor? Is a man human at all who can say with no tears, "You will be eternally dying and yet never know the relief that death brings"? All this was too much for Charlie Peace. So he preached. Listen to his on-the-eve-of-hell sermon:

"Sir," addressing the preacher, "if I believed what you and the church of God say that you believe, even if England were covered with broken glass from coast to coast, I would walk over it, if need be, on hands and knees and think it worthwhile living, just to save one soul from an eternal hell like that!

It's all how you look at it. And from where I sit today, I don't see us doing much about it.

Assessment: Confirmed, in far too many cases. 


Stay tuned the rest of this week for more assessments of supposed myths about Christianity. 

Entries in this series:

{Image: Perseus with the Head of Medusa by Benvenuto Cellini}

How to Think Like a Follower of Christ


In the last week, controversy flared around the recent prank pulled by a Minneapolis/St. Paul radio station. Michael Spencer, the iMonk, alerted me to this, and other blogs have pounced on the story.

In short, the radio station offered a Playstation 3 to parents who would drop off their baby at the station for the day. People lit up the phone line for a chance to let strangers have their baby for 24-hrs in exchange for the impossible-to-find new videogame player. When they found out the little social experiment was a ruse, they felt cheated.

Apart from the appalling fact that iMonk’s e-mail started a catfight between the handful of respected Christian bloggers he cc’ed, the blogosphere’s seen more than enough handwringing on this incident. Like whalebone-corseted dowagers in brocade dresses, their lorgnettes fogged from the mere thought of parental impropriety, the voices of outrage fan themselves and harumph, “The nerve of such people!”

Though the Marx Brothers’ zany antics punctured the moralistic gasbags depicted in their films, Groucho Marx & Margaret DumontI suspect the Lord’s not laughing about our profound moralism. Moralists don’t come off well in the Bible. They get lines like “Thank you, Lord, that I’m not like this tax collector sinner” and “This fellow is blaspheming!” and “Look! Your disciples are doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath.” Moralists will tithe their entire spice rack, and still miss the point.

Moralists are a dime a dozen. Find any bait shop in any podunk town in America, and grizzled faces tucked into the store’s recesses will be more than obliged to regale you with their opinion on the latest indignation sweeping the country. They’ll quote any and all sources to make their point, calling on long-dead orators like Henry Clay (old) and Seneca (older), or even some Asian philosopher like Lao-Tsu. Anything to drive their wicked barb of truth through the heart of this perceived scourge or that. In fact, I’d go far as to say that no country on the face of this planet brews up righteous indignation as the good ole U.S. of A.

Unfortunately, you can be a moralist extraordinaire and still wind up in hell.

How so? Because moralism’s got nothing to do with Christianity. Jesus Christ didn’t come to set-up another moral system. He came to change dead-in-the-soul moralists into living and active saints equipped not with the latest hodge-podge of self-righteous ire, but with the mind of Christ.

What else explains the Lord saying, “You have heard it said, _____________, but I tell you…”? He didn’t support the moralistic status quo, He tore it off its foundation and installed Himself in its place. And by the way He ministered to others, He gave us a blueprint for how a redeemed mind acts out the truth of God.

Renewing our minds means allowing Christ to wash away moralistic responses to the situations that face us every day.  We need to learn to think like a real follower of Christ, rather than a moralist.

I confess that I’ve spent too many years thinking like a moralist and not a true follower of Christ. I had a moral system erected the envy of pietists worldwide. My righteous indignation burned hotter than the core of the sun, and I could rip into an abortionist with mental talons honed to razor-sharpness. And you know what? None of that expanded the Kingdom of God by one picometer.

Want to think like a Christian? Here’s what I’m learning:

1. The only way our “moral foes” are going to change is by coming to Christ.

Nothing else works, folks. Not political wrangling. Not outnumbering. Nothing. Only Jesus.  We can’t make anyone conform to Christ unless they’re born again. The world’s going to resist our moralism tooth and nail. Jesus, though, is harder to resist.

2. No one is beyond redemption by Jesus Christ.

In college, I knew a man who’d been the most wanted outlaw in Texas. A string of armed robberies got him a sentence of 500 years in prison. Then he met Christ through Chuck Colson’s Prison Fellowship. His change was so profound, he received a formal pardon from the governor. He came to study at Wheaton while I was there. We ate many meals together and I once drove him from college to see his brother who lived in my hometown. I’d trust Don with my wife and son. Jesus Christ had found him and utterly changed him.

It doesn’t matter who our opponents are. No matter how despicable we consider someone, Jesus Christ is greater than his or her sin.

3. Always lead with love.

Sometimes we act as if every act of love toward our foes must be that fabled “tough love.” That’s a lie. Actually, it’s an excuse for us to club them in the name of Christ. The Bible says this:

“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
—Matthew 5:43-48 ESV

The moralist leads with his self-righteousness, but the true follower of Christ always leads with love, even when dealing with his enemies.

Only as I was preparing this did a greater truth strike me about the Matthew passage. Jesus ends it with “You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” While we always talk about context, no commentary gives an interpretation for that phrase that has ever satisfied me. But now I get it.

In context, the perfection Christ asks of us is to love perfectly. God embodies that perfect love because He desires that not one human soul be lost, despite the reality that our world is filled with people who hate Him. By us loving our enemies, we embody that same love of God.

Though missionary Jim Elliot wore a pistol in the steamy jungles of Ecuador, he took a fatal spear rather than use that pistol to take the life of someone certainly bound for hell. The man who threw that spear is a believer today.

Do we understand that kind of perfect love? Moralists never will.

4. Put ourselves in other people’s shoes. 

In those instances when I find it easy to judge, I first exchange roles with the person I’m ready to throttle. What do I know about him? Is he the way he is because he came home from school every day as a kid to a father who beat him to within an inch of his life? Does she act out her sin because her uncle raped her repeatedly from age eight until she packed up and hit the streets?

I know iMonk doesn’t remember this, but I got banninated from The Boar’s Head Tavern a long time ago because we clashed over people’s pasts. I took the position that one’s hard-luck story won’t keep anyone out of hell. Sin is sin. If the weepiest story got the worst sinner into heaven, then the afterlife resembles the old TV show “Queen for a Day” and not the heaven Christ died to populate.

I still firmly believe that. However, that doesn’t mean that I should add pain onto pain. Christ exchanged roles with each one of us, bearing your sin and mine to the cross. For that reason, I need to put myself into someone else’s shoes before I go off half-cocked. If the savior thought enough to bear my sin unto death, then the least I can do is draw alongside others and help bear their burden until they also find life in Christ.

5. Ask the hard, humbling questions.

Bono’s received an enormous amount of flak in some parts of the Godblogosphere. They say all manner of nasty things against him as if they know him personally and are fit to speak apt judgment.

Two things that provoke Bono’s opponents more than anything else include his stand for more money to battle AIDS in Africa and his campaign to eliminate debts held against poor nations. For these he seems to draw more than his fair share of fire from Christians.

Personally, Bono’s not at issue here. I don’t know him and I don’t generally trust third-hand reports about most worldwide or nationally-known figures. He may be the spawn of hell just like his opponents say or he may not. What concerns me more as a Christian is to ask where are all the “approved” Christian voices speaking out on battling AIDS in Africa and eliminating the debt load of poor countries? Why aren’t we fronting for these causes? Why are we not battling for justice? Where are our nationally-known righteous preachers and teachers on these things? Why are they silent? Why must Bono step into the obvious vacuum they’ve left behind?

Worse yet, what about me? How can I castigate anyone if my saggy posterior’s parked in some hoity-toity coffeeshop tucked away from the hardscrabble life faced by most of the world’s people, my pinkie righteously extended as I sip my vente triple mochachino?

Anymore, the second I feel the urge to tear into another human being, I ask the hard, humbling question and the answer looks like a finger pointing right back at me and the rest of us in the American Church. Doesn’t matter what the issue is, in some way we American Christians have fumbled it. And rather than sit around and grouse about how other people deal with that issue, the true follower of Christ has a response:

6. Stop talking, start acting.

If you and I are unwilling to act, then we should just shut up. Moralists go on and on about issues they never plan to personally do anything about. They fill their lives with idle chatter while callouses form on their backsides.

If you and I don’t like something, then let’s start acting to fix it. That’s the Kingdom of God in action. And I’m not talking about the typical painless moralistic responses to fixing big problems, but the ones that cost us something. Pulling a lever in a voting booth against gay marriage doesn’t ask anything. Befriending a gay couple does.

I’ve learned over the years that most foes of Christianity have never in their lives encountered a true follower of Christ. Nor do they have the kind of prayer covering we take for granted. Is it any wonder then that the Enemy’s come in and sowed evil seeds on their unprotected ground?

Griping about people willing to exchange their babies for a day for a shot at a PS3 accomplishes nothing. We live in a world populated by rich churches that think they do a lot for the poor, but largely ignore them, even during Christmastime. Sure, they may contribute a few bucks here and there, but they never give till it hurts. In a lot of cases, they won’t even give to people in their own congregations who have dire financial needs.

Untrue? I blog on these kinds of issues. You should read the private letters I get from desperate people who turned to their churches for help and were sent away.

Playstation 3s are selling for upwards of $3,000 on eBay. Desperate people do desperate things and they don’t always think clearly. While this doesn’t excuse parents willing to hand their children over to strangers for a day, to a poor family, a few thousand dollars means food, shelter, clothes, and heat for the cold winter months.

Was everyone calling in so desperately poor that their first thought was to resell that PS3 to feed, clothes, house, and warm their family? Hardly. Still, I’m sure a handful existed in the hundreds who called the radio station.

Where is the Church for those families? We stuff ourselves for Thanksgiving. We close off our holiday celebration to outsiders who might benefit from our outrageous largesse. We spend and spend and spend on ourselves, toss a few dollars in a Salvation Army kettle and pat ourselves on our backs for such stirring generosity as we push a cartful of expensive junk we don’t need out to our SUVs.

Our society cares nothing for the poor on a personal basis. Yes, they seem to get some rare attention from us during the holidays, but otherwise we tend to let our governments take care of them. Few of us know any poor families personally, and even fewer of us take the time to reach out to them and welcome them into our homes, developing godly relationships that last. Yet that’s what Jesus would have done.

Hate the greed on display in the Playstation 3 stunt? Let’s check our own hearts and make certain our own consciences are clear of consumeristic greed before we point out someone else’s. Some of us work two jobs to fuel our lust for more, robbing our children in just a slightly different way than those parents willing to give up a kid for a day. We may be giving up our kids every day, so who are we to talk! We may be affixed to the computer, blogging away as our children grow up without our attention. We may be into our hobbies, or even spend too much time reading Christian books.

What goes around comes around.

Let’s give till it hurts this Christmas—and every day that follows it. Let’s esteem others, even the poor, better than ourselves. Let’s babysit the children of the just-barely-getting-by single mother so she can have time to get a couple toys for her kids. In fact, why not buy the toys for her kids out of our own wealth so she can have a break this year.

Don’t just talk about Christ. Show Him to a dying world.

7. Weep.

This is my own opinion here, so you can take it for what it’s worth. I can’t back it with a ton of Scripture, but I believe it’s true to the heart of the Lord.

I worry about any “Christian” person who can go into a secluded prayer chamber and fail to weep for the lost and hurting people of this world. If we’re not in tears from time to time over the state of our foes, then I believe we’re moralists and not followers of Jesus Christ. The stakes are too high for us to be that hardened.

It saddens me that I’ve learned these lessons so late in life. I write this so you younger readers especially will start thinking like the Lord much sooner than I have. (One day I promise, as a warning, to do a series on my disqualifications for ministry.)

God help us if we’re moralists. A church of moralists always does more harm for the Kingdom than it does good. If that’s your church—or even you—you have a tough choice to make. I pray that the Father gives us all grace to choose the better way.