This is a notice of an upcoming series of posts on American Christianity and its hidden messages. What’s a hidden message? Usually, it’s a well-intentioned message that has unforeseen negative consequences, or it’s a message that was never intended in the first place, but assumes prominence.
The Gospel is fairly clear, but our transmission of it periodically suffers. Likewise, the American Church has bound up the truth of Christianity with American Manifest Destiny and that old classic, the American Dream. The result is that the world perceives a bizarre mish-mash of pseudo-Christian ideals coming out of the American Church. What makes these hidden messages so pernicious is that no matter our church slant (traditional, emerging, charismatic, mainline, evangelical, or fundamentalist), we can fall into these hidden messages.
This series will be a little different. Rather than pontificating off the top of my own head all the time, if there is a hidden message that particularly sticks in your craw, e-mail me and I’ll write about it. Have a great week!
The Series so far:
1. Hidden Messages of American Christianity: Classism
2. Hidden Messages of American Christianity: Kneeling at the Altar of Excellence
3. Hidden Messages of American Christianity: Correctness Before Love
4. Hidden Messages of American Christianity: Pastor O’Gill and the Little People
5. Hidden Messages of American Christianity: “We’re Cool, Too!”
6. Hidden Messages of American Christianity: “Family Cocooning Session: No Trespassing Allowed!”
7. Hidden Messages of American Christianity: The Outstretched Hand